Bustabit Script - My Sniper v1
You can follow the strategy of the user you want with the amount of bet you set yourself.
Type the name of the user you want to play with in the same strategy in the "User to follow" field. write your own starting bet amount. if you do not want to place high stakes, use the maximum stakes field. make sure the user is placing the bet at the starting point and start.
Watch the case study video.
var config = {
ScriptTitle: {
type: 'noop',
label: ' Crash.Bet MySniper v1'
target: {
value: '',
type: 'text',
label: 'User to follow'
myBaseBet: {
value: 100,
type: 'balance',
label: 'My base bet'
warning1: {
type: 'noop',
label: 'Warning: Make sure to use the high bet limitation!'
maxBet: {
value: 1e8,
type: 'balance',
label: 'Max Bet'
warning2: {
type: 'noop',
label: 'Warning: Please check your calculations before running!'
log('Thanks for using the Crash.Bet Scripts. We want to do new work for our users, for that we need your support. You can support us by sending TIP to your "CrashBet" user account.');
var betRateArr = [];
engine.on('BET_PLACED', bet => {
if (bet.uname.toLowerCase() === config.target.value.toLowerCase()) {
if (userInfo.balance < 100) {
stop('Your balance is too low to bet.');
var betRate = bet.wager / config.myBaseBet.value;
if (betRateArr.length == 2) {
var myBet = Math.ceil(bet.wager / Math.floor(betRateArr[0]) / 100) * 100;
log('Spotted', bet.uname, 'betting', bet.wager / 100, 'bit(s) with a', bet.payout + 'x payout.');
log('My bet', myBet / 100, 'bit(s) with a', bet.payout + 'x payout.');
const bettableBalance = Math.floor(userInfo.balance / 100) * 100;
const wager = Math.min(bettableBalance, myBet, config.maxBet.value);
if (engine.gameState != 'GAME_STARTING') {
// do not queue the bet if the current game is no longer accepting bets
engine.bet(wager, bet.payout); // aim at target's payout
engine.on('CASHED_OUT', cashOut => {
if (cashOut.uname.toLowerCase() === config.target.value.toLowerCase()) {
log('Spotted', cashOut.uname, 'cashing out at', cashOut.cashedAt + 'x.');
if (engine.currentlyPlaying()) {
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